Super catching headline

It's a portfolio website, but I don't have a portfolio, so technically it's just a website.

About me

I used to be a hobbyist game developer. It started with small computer games then in the beginning of the android era - I started making mobile games and that eventually turned into a full time job.

As you might expect this obliterated my hobby and I'm now a simple JAVA developer.

back-end only of course

And please - I've had the conversation:

"Oh but Nikki, but what about sometimes, very seldom, just a little javascript?" - Nah, Bro.

"But Nikki, can you at least read it? It's easy, Nikki. Can you read it?" - Bitch, I can read Latin as well, I said no - java only. One life, one love, get it?

but it turns out I'm valuable

Back in 2015 the CEO of the company I worked for said that I'm worth my weight in gold - and I was quite skinny back then. Gold price is way higher now, moreover I've gained weight in the past few years, so the prospects are beyond comprehension.

Listen... I have an above-average sense of humor, so if you landed on this page from linkedin or something, speak to your manager and the HR department before speaking to me. Apart from charisma, nothing explains how I'm still employed. I am the guy who takes it too far!

Latest experience

My ongoing project is not that fancy, with not much complexity to be honest, so nothing to brag about.

My previous project however is absolutely the most complex and interesting one I've seen to this day. It's a RASP service.

Basically it's a java agent which statically analyses your code for vulnerabilities and also protects you from cyber attacks while it's running (such as SQL injection, XSS, path-traversal attacks, CMDI and so on).

The tech stack here:

  • Cyber security, basically I know vulnerabilities and how to avoid insecure coding
  • Instrumentation API (I also speak bytecode!)
  • JVM internals (anything java!)
  • Performance testing and profiling (JMH, analyzing JFR reports, Sending requests and  and so on)

Previous projects


Java Developer

My current company.

It's a service company so I'm on my second project here. The previous one however was a 'middleware' acting as bridge between a few systems.

  • AWS (mostly SQS, SNS, S3, RDS)
  • Spring Boot
  • I barely remember anything else, but it was not a complex project.


Java Developer

Service company again...

So... me and the dudes worked on a BMW project which was the back-end part of a 'telematic' service.

Nothing fancier than this, it was quite a simple project with some legacy code here and there.



Java Developer

A service company. The project I worked on was about developing web-based corporate software.

  • Spring Boot
  • Oracle DB
  • Vaadin


Game Developer

We released about 10 games, that are no longer available. Remnants of them can be found on my website here... once I upload them of course. I'm a busy man. Anyway I just googled one of the games and found it CRACKED so I guess it was famous enough. It's called Alien Planet Racing

  • Game Maker Studio
  • Java (ask me, I'll explain)

... but wait Nikola, is this all of it?

Of course it is not, dear. The thing is that java projects are usually quite complex and include a lot of technologies, frameworks and libraries so I can't really list all of them.

I've been through shit. I've cried in the bathroom, I've cried in front of people. I've cried in the bathroom in front of people.

so what about the Game Developer thingy?

Please skip this section, I swear you're not interested.

Listen... I know what you're imagining - Unity, drag and drop, glitter and happiness everywhere... This is not the case. You see Game Development was not easy back then, Unity was yet to become a thing so all the games I developed were using Game Maker Studio, which means:

  • Texturing polygons was done the old school way - by triangulating and mathematics and don't even get me started on the 'concave polygon' thing - this is hell!
  • Fancy effects were not premade assets but FREAKING GLSL shaders and complicated particle systems
  • Android phones were not as powerful back then so performance of games was a manual thing
  • Complicated movements were done with a lot of geometry and mathematics such as linear/bilinear interpolation
  • Menu items, buttons, tweens and stuff like this was entirely manual, there was not thing like drag/slide listeners and so on. There were no UI components. Everything was to be coded from scratch
  • My first commercial game had a memory leak and I lost the private key so I could not sign the .apk and it could never be updated on Google Play... I was young and dull.

This was a lot of weird ass coding.

is this enough?

Contact me

Perhaps you've read enough, perhaps you didn't even read it. I know I wouldn't have, because let's face it - who would read so much text. Nobody has the time for this.

Here's a photo of me dressed up as Santa.


And in case you want to pretend you really care - I' bless your with my hobbies

Because you might do that "Hey, I saw your website and I liked it!" intro. I'm a social person, I love going out with people, drinking beers and chilling. I play video games when I get the chance to and it mostly happens during the night (yes, I stay up at night, maybe until 3-4 in the morning)


It's just a hobby - I enjoy the topic, I really like reading and watching videos. Science is an amazing topic but I am not an expert at all and everything I know is just surface knowledge.

Video Games

I play video games. Computer games to be precise. Sadly I don't have the time to play a lot, so it's Hearthstone, World of Warcraft and sometimes Overwatch. I also have a strong Dota background. But that was ages ago.


I love the cosmos, the endless amount of possibilities that it hides, but just like my Physics hobby - I am not freaking Carl Sagan so I basically just know random facts and read/watch a lot.


I'm an absolute beginner. I haven't broken a limb yet, but it's on my agenda, if we get some fucking snow this year.


I love hanging out with friends. Although I'm adept in the arts of the alcohol, I am mostly drinking beer lately since over the years I've lost my expertise and I've become such a weakling. Pathetic.

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