Get In Touch

It's time, young one. This is the page.

The things that I am expert* in:

* or I'm sort of good at

** or I did at least once

*** or I know a guy

**** or I know a guy who knows a guy

Java and JVM Internals

Security vulnerabilities and prevention (stuff like SQLI, XXE, XSS, and so on)

Instrumentation and bytecode

Dealing with all sorts of JDKs and application servers (I swore to never touch Websphere again)

Spring Boot (because I know you're looking for this...)

AWS - I've used some of their many many services

DBs. This is important - I've only dealt with RDBs.

Jokes and comedy

Drinking (beer only, I've become a beginner in this field)

Making snowmen

Juggling  (with a single object only)

I was once a stripper at a bachelorette party and I also did a lecture ( on the security aspect of software development. Not sure which one went better.


Super simple stuff - you fill in this form and I receive an email.

(or you can contact me on LinkedIn, but I've muted notifications there, so no promises!)

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Yes, I drew this goose. Those who cherish the finest arts describe it as bold, absorbing, masterful, gorgeous and thought-provoking

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